Tuesday, June 06, 2006


So here it's almost midnight on 6-6-06 and I'm still waiting for the world to end. Was that what it's supposed to do? Oh. Right. This is the day the Antichrist is born. Or is it the Beast? What is the difference between the Antichrist and the Beast?

If I were going to pick such a day based on numerology, I guess I'd go with June 6, 1966. The Antichrist, or the Beast, would be 40 years old- a Biblical number- today. Happy Birthday.

My sarcasm is intentional. I don't believe in numerology any more than I believe the so-called "Holy Grail" protected by the Da Vinci Code would threaten the faith of Christians... Because Christianity isn't about that. The best theory I have read is that Israel represents the "fig tree" in prophecy, and that the "fig tree" put forth its leaves in 1967 and further in 1973. The number 40 is prevalent in the Bible: 40 days it rained in Noah's flood, 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert, etc. Following that logic, if you're a believer in numerology, ignore what Christ said about no one knowing the day or the hour of his coming and leave the porch light on in 2007 or 2013.

The important question is: How old will the Antichrist be when Jesus returns for the Rapture?

1 comment:

W said...

You're cracking me up--you (quite correctly) denounce numerology as bovine scatology but you're waiting around for jesus to come back for the rapture? You understand that self defense requires well aimed mass x acceleration but you talk about going into a hostile environment with naught but one's pud in one's hand and The Word? The Word is "Duped" or perhaps "Fairytale". PS: LOVED your rip on Vampire novels being as socially valuable as kiddy porn